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  • Date posted:05/12/2022
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An essential stage of our Talent Ecosystem is Attract. With a limited talent pool, candidates can be more selective with their employer. Ultimately, this means businesses have to work harder to gain and retain their next best employee.

That’s where Fraser Dove comes in. We stay current on all the latest hiring trends, and by maintaining a good relationship with an extensive network of candidates and clients, we know which methods bring success.

Let’s explore how Attract can help your business’ talent acquisition:

  • Why Attract is Important
  • Our Attract Products
  • Add Attract to Your Business

Why Attract is Important

Changing social attitudes mean hiring has changed.

Businesses are changing their focus to becoming destination employers. If you aren’t focussing on your talent acquisition processes now, when the peak of the Talent Crunch arrives, you’ll struggle much more than your competitors.

Is that a chance you can afford to take?

After all, the greatest threat to business growth is access to new talent. Our Attract service is designed to help your business and talent acquisition teams tackle issues they may not even know they have.

For instance, did you know that “leadership teams with strong personal brands receive 300% more applicants to their roles”? That increase can mean the difference between finding a candidate who aligns perfectly with your requirements, mission, and culture or being stuck with a poor-quality hire.

Our Attract Products

At Fraser Dove, we have worked hard to develop a range of solutions to some of our clients’ most crucial issues. Let’s take a deeper dive into the products we offer.

Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Candidates want to know what your business can offer them. Being transparent about this can give them a clear understanding of their life as your employee. This is essential amid the talent crunch, where employers are fighting to secure the top calibre of talent.

Well-positioned EVPs can provide your organisation:

  • 29% increase in new hire commitment
  • 69% reduction in annual employee turnover
  • 43% reduction in cost-to-hire

A strong EVP will make you stand out, whether you’re finding candidates or they’re finding you.

Employee Advocacy

One of the best talent attractors is one you already have — your employees.

Your existing team are your perfect advocates. Use them to create a variety of media highlighting the perks of work life at your company. Perhaps you offer your team flexible working schedules or significant maternity and paternity leave.

Creating this content with your employees also gives you that much-needed social proof. You stop being another business, and instead become something candidates can easily relate to.

People buy people; we help yours be as effective as possible.

Talent Acquisition Strategy

A well-defined strategy improves your chances of success, and talent acquisition is no different. Simply having a plan isn’t enough though. You must ensure it’s the right strategy to help you achieve your goals.

Did you know:

72% of candidates who have a bad experience with an employer will tell family, friends, and colleagues about it.

If your strategy isn’t properly aligned, you’re likely to damage your employer brand, rather than help it. But get it right and you’ll easily attract top talent.

Our executive search coach can provide expert assistance so you can stand out against competitors and become a destination employer.

Content For Candidates

The better you make the candidate experience, the more likely your offer will be accepted. We improve the experience by creating briefing packs, collateral, and social content.

In fact, we worked with Corden Pharma’s Senior Leadership to create a series of podcasts. These worked exceptionally well at getting across the business culture and values.

When candidates receive this content, they become far more engaged and can better visualise themselves at your company. This can make the entire hiring process run more smoothly.

Leadership Marketing and Personal Branding

Leaders with a personal brand already have access to a range of engaged talent.

One of the first things candidates will do during the hiring process is check the personal LinkedIn profiles of the hiring manager and senior leadership. Why? Because they’re trying to decide if working for you is the right fit for them.

People pick leaders, not jobs. Learning about your management style can help them make informed decisions, which can lead to them staying for longer. From banners to headlines, we’ll make sure your digital real estate stands out.

Personal content gets roughly ten times the traction of corporate content. That means if you are only using a corporate account (and not the personal accounts of your team), your business is missing most of the available talent.

Our training can turn your team into thought leaders, building their audience and giving your business the type of recognition it needs.

LinkedIn Profile Audit and Optimisation

One of the first things a new candidate will do is research the hiring managers and business leaders. What will they see when they come across your profile?

Option 1: An interesting and well-crafted profile, which highlights company achievements and personal attitudes.

Option 2: A lacklustre profile that fails to inspire, or give accurate information about you or the business.

Imagine you’re the candidate. Which profile would entice you more if you were choosing between two businesses?

With our profile audit and optimisation, we ensure that candidates encounter the most enticing profiles.

Add Attract to Your Business

Ready to upgrade how your business attracts the best talent in life sciences? Adding Attract to your business is simple.

Start by contacting Fraser Dove, and we’ll discuss which of our services would suit you best.

Afterwards, our team will work alongside your Talent Acquisition division to find the perfect fit for your business.

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, contact us today!

Contact Our Team

Interested in exploring how FDI can solve your talent problems?

Give us a call at +44 (0)203 355 7050 or send an email to enquiries@fraserdove.com.

Check out our main product, Search.